HERBST, "Dictionary of Commercial, Financial and Legal Terms / Dictionnaire des Termes Commerciaux, Financiers et Juridiques / Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rechtssprache"
1989 | pages: 970 | ISBN: 146846941X | PDF | 27,7 mb
This volume is the SECOND EDITION of the French-English-German part of the three-volume setoftri-lingual dictionaries initiated by Dr. ROBERT HERBST in 1952. With the advent of a new author, the series assumes anew, joint title: the HERBST -READETI. All the new terms, rearrangements and deletions were the work of ALAN READETI. Dr. Herbst scrutinized the entire manuscript. Much help has been given by a number of Mr. Readett's colleagues in the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels. Many valuable explanations of legal terms have been provided by Mr. E. P. LATHAM, of the Directorate for Approximation of Laws ; Messrs. LEN SCOTI of the English Translation Division and PETER POWRIE of the Maritime Transport and Safety Division have been very patient in answering questions; others, too numerous to name individually, have also been most helpful. To them all, our sincere thanks. The authors and publishers express their hope that this volume will prove as useful to-day as the preceding editions have been in the past.