Raspberry Pi ebooks

Avec plus de deux millions d'exemplaires écoulés en moins de deux ans, le Raspberry Pi est incontestablement le roi des nano-ordinateurs. De la taille d'une carte de crédit, sans écran ni clavier, et d'un prix modique, il s'avère pourtant suffisamment puissant et ouvert pour offrir une grande variété d'applications : robot, station météo, serveur web, média center, PC de
Listes des livres
Experimenting with Raspberry Pi.
Exploring the Raspberry Pi 2 with C++.
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi.
Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10, 2nd Edition.
Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python.
Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux.
Learning Internet of Things.
Make Getting Started with Sensors.
Mastering the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi A Quick-Start Guide, 2nd Edition.
Raspberry Pi A Quick-Start Guide.
Raspberry Pi Blueprints.
Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming.
Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers.
Raspberry Pi Cookbook.
Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents.
Raspberry Pi Gaming, 2nd Edition.
Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference.
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino, 2nd Edition.
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino.
Raspberry Pi LED Blueprints.
Raspberry Pi Mechatronics Projects.
Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook, 2nd Edition.
Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook.
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids, 2nd Edition.
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids.
Raspberry Pi Robotic Blueprints.
Raspberry Pi Robotics Essentials.
Raspberry Pi System Software Reference.
The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.