» » Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama

Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama


Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama

Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama

Joseph Nehama, "Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés)"
C.S.I.C. | 1977 | ISBN: 8400036131 | Hebrew/Spanish/French | PDF | 609 pages | 140 Mb

Diccionario sefardí-francés Incluye conjugacion verbal y listado de locuciones del sefardí.
Nehama (ca 1880-1971) was born in Salonika, the son of the reformist rabbi Judah Nehama, and studied at the Ecole Normale Orientale, the teacher training school of the Alliance Israélite Universelle in Paris. In his capacity as teacher and school principal of the local Alliance Israélite Universelle, Nehama devoted his life to educating several generations of Salonikan youth. Nehama made a great contribution to the propagation and research of the Judeo-Spanish language by writing a comprehensive Judeo-Spanish-French dictionary. The work, entitled Dictionnaire du Judéo-Espagnol, was published in 1977 several years after his death. It is the most accurate dictionary of the djudeo-spanish spoken in Salonica. More than a dictionary a real encyclopedia where each word is translated with all its different meanings and intertwisted with lots of sayings, habits, games.

Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama


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