» » Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)


Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)
French | PDF | 104 MB

Dictionnaire français-anglais avec des visuels explicatifs.
Now comes with a free companion audio app that allows readers to scan the pages to hear words spoken in both French and English.
Newly revised and updated, the French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is a quick and intuitive way to learn and recall everyday words in French.
Introducing a range of useful current vocabulary in thematic order, this dictionary uses full-color photographs and artworks to display and label all the elements of everyday life-from the home and office to sport, music, nature, and the countries of the world-with panel features on key nouns, verbs, and useful phrases.
The French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary features:
• A quick and intuitive way to learn and remember thousands of words.
• A complete range of illustrated objects and scenes from everyday life.
• Fast and effective learning for any situation, from home and office to shopping and dining out.
• Detailed index for instant reference.
• Handy size ideal for travel.
The illustrations provide a quick and intuitive route to learning a language, defining the words visually so it is easier to remember them and creating a colorful and stimulating learning resource for the foreign-language and EFL/ESL student.

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)


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