» » Amigurumi Animals at Work - 14 adorable & active amigurumi animals

Amigurumi Animals at Work - 14 adorable & active amigurumi animals


Amigurumi Animals at Work - 14 adorable & active amigurumi animals

Joke collects the most beautiful patterns from all over the world on her website www.amigurumipatterns.net. With more than 100,000 fans the site has grown into a community and a meeting place where crocheters and designers meet and exchange tips and patterns.

She organized a competition for designers where they were challenged to create an animal in their work outfit. A mole who searches his underground tunnels to mine precious minerals? A beaver offering his services as a construction worker? A lobster that escaped from becoming a posh restaurant dinner to emerge as a chef? You cannot imagine anything crazier - the entire animal kingdom gets down to work!

This book contains fourteen designs chosen from the original competition. Maybe you are making your very first amigurumi? Then don't worry. The book opens with a number of pages dedicated to explaining all the basics. More experienced? Then you'll certainly love the details in these designs!


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