» » Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon

Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon


Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon

Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon

Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon
2010 | ISBN: 2841232972 | French | 471 pages | PDF | 100 MB

The "Grand Livre de Cuisine de Joël Robuchon', in the professional encyclopedia "Grand Livre de Cuisine", is the synthesis of over forty years of gathered knowledge. "Grand Livre de Cuisine",is the synthesis of more than 40 years of acquired knowledge. A formidable learning tool, the Grand Livre de Cuisine Joël Robuchon enables you to perfect your skills and gives you the tools to surpass yourself by recreating truly exceptional recipes. . Arranged around four main chapters (Appetizers, Fish & Shellfish, Meat & Vegetables, and Desserts), this volume brings together more than 100 detailed, illustrated step-by-step recipes, making cooking easier and unveiling the secrets Joël Robuchon's grand cuisine. The recipes are displayed as technical sheets, and are completed by a glossary and a thematic index sheet as well as by videos, very useful for recipe research and working in a professional environment. Advice on the ingredients and plating tips are also amongst the points discussed.

Grand livre de cuisine de Joël Robuchon


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